Fulton County, Indiana

Fulton County is focused on creating a prosperous future while preserving our history.

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About the FCPC

The Fulton County Area Plan was effective January 2008 and successfully created a coalition of both the unincorporated and all of the incorporated areas within Fulton County. The Area Plan created one set of ordinances that are effective throughout the County, eliminating the confusion for residential and commercial development that may be located in one or more of the incorporated and/or unincorporated areas of Fulton County.

The F.C.P.C. administers and enforces the zoning, floodplain, building, unsafe building, sidewalk, electrical and plumbing registration licenses, and ADA codes through adopted ordinances and/or inter-local agreements with each legislative body in Fulton County. All minutes and petition documentation for the Area Boards, or the Advisory Boards (prior to 2008), are available upon request in the Plan Commission Office. Currently, there is one 13 Member Plan Commission Board representing the goals and directives of the residents and property owners of Fulton County through the Fulton County Comprehensive Plan and four Board of Zoning Appeal (BZA) divisions representing each of their own individual jurisdictions.

Staff Directory & Contact Information

Heather Redinger                                        Kim Gard                                                      Samantha Hyde

Executive Director                                         Administrative Secretary                            Secretary

hredinger@co.fulton.in.us                                kgard@co.fulton.in.us                                  shyde@co.fulton.in.us

office: (574) 223-7667                                     office: (574) 223-7667                                office: (574) 223-7667

Cell: (574) 201-1305



                                        Gary Madlem                                                  Tony Gaines

                                          Building & Floodplain Inspector                    Building Inspector

                                        gmadlem@co.fulton.in.us                                 againes@co.fulton.in.us

                                        Office: (574) 224-1000                                    Office: (574) 223-7667

                                        Cell: (574) 835-0705                                        Cell (574) 201-8989

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