Fulton County, Indiana

Fulton County is focused on creating a prosperous future while preserving our history.

  64° Local Forecast

Food & Grocery

Grocery Store Hours

Store  WWW Phone Numbers Seniors/At-Risk Daily Hours  
KROGER web (574) 223-3881  7AM – 8AM  (M, T, W, TH Only)  7AM – 11PM
SAVE-A-LOT  web (574) 224-3434  9AM - 10AM  9AM – 6PM
DOLLAR GENERAL (AKRON)  web (574) 353-0168  No Set Times  8AM – 9PM
DOLLAR GENERAL (ROCHESTER)  web (765) 319-8775  No Set Times  8AM – 9PM
VIKING FOODS FB (574) 893-4563  No Set Times  7AM - 7PM  (Mon - Sat)  CLOSED SUN
WALMART  web (574) 223-9481  6AM – 7AM (Tues Only)  7AM - 8:30PM

 * Seniors/At-Risk represents special shopping hours for senior and at-risk shoppers

Additional Food Options

School Meals

Church Meals / Food Banks

  • Grace United Methodist Church Cancelled Free Meals on Wednesday

The Cross

  • Phone: (574) 223-3107 | www.werthecross.com
  • Matthew’s Market - 100 West 3rd Street, Rochester
  • Monday, Friday 11:30AM – 1:30PM
  • Thursday 4PM – 6PM
  • Gatherings will be kept to a limit due to social distancing

Kewanna Food Pantry

  • Phone: (574) 653-9052 
  • 114 South Toner St, Kewanna
  • Serving Aubbeenaubbee, Union, and Wayne Townships
  • Thursday 8:30AM – 10:30AM

UWS Ministries of Akron

  • (574) 893-4121 
  • 301 S West St, Akron
  • Serving Henry and Newcastle Townships by Appointment Only
  • Thursday Pickup 2PM – 4PM

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