Fulton County, Indiana

Fulton County is focused on creating a prosperous future while preserving our history.

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Results 1-18 of 18
What if I'm making changes to my property?
If a building permit was issued, we will be notified by the planning agency.
What if I experience a fire or weather-related property loss?
You should submit a Form 137R to the Assessor's office along with evidence of your loss (for example, pictures, insurance claims, appraisal, repair bills) within 12 months of the disaster.
Why do I have to pay property taxes?
We've all become accustomed to the level of services provided by our local community. Schools, police and fire protection, libraries and paved roads are only a few of the amenities property taxes make possible.
What is trending?
Annual Adjustments or "trending" of property walues became part of Indiana's move to a market-based assessment system upon order of the Indiana Supreme Court in 1999.
What if I disagree with the Assessed Value?
A taxpayer has a right to appeal their property tax assessment for any reason.
Is there any way I can reduce my taxes?
Yes. There are a number of Credits and exemptions available to qualifying taxpayers
Where and when do I file my mortgage and homestead exemption?
Mortgages and homestead exemptions are filed with the County Auditor by December 31st and will be applied to the following year's taxes, if you purchase a new property, both need to be filed.
Where and when do I file a tax return on my business personal property?
Filing of forms 103 and 104 are required by May 15th of each year and are filed with the County Assessor in the County in which the property is located.
How do I get a copy of my property record card?
You can access your property record card by following the link located on the Assessor's Home Page
Where do I get information regarding the Circuit Breaker Caps?
Why do my neighbor's taxes appear to be lower than mine?
Your neighbor may be receiving deductions that you may not be eligible for Or that have not been applied to your home due to Various reasons.
| purchased my home at a foreclosure sale. Why isn't it assessed at the price I paid for it?
The assessment process dictates that market value can only be established using arms-length, non-distressed sales; a foreclosure sale does not meet that benchmark, since they are generally conducted under duress.
Why are my taxes so high?
Your tax bill results from the interaction of your property's value and the local tax rate.
I received a Notice of Assessment (Form 11) in the mail as part of the General Reassessment. How do I know if my assessed value is correct?
The assessed value should reflect the amount a Willing buyer would pay for the property at the time of the assessment (March 1 is the assessment date).
Who should I contact to initiate an appeal of the assessed value of my home?
The first step in the appeals process begins with written notification to your local assessing official.
Can I find my property corners myself?
lf lot corner irons were set; you can find them with a metal detector.
Does your office have a copy of my survey?
Since 1990, it is a state requirement that all surveys be recorded in the County Recorder's Office.
My neighbor just hired a surveyor to survey his land and one of his lot corners seems to be over on my property, what can I do?
You can have your property surveyed to determine where your Corners are supposed to be.
Results 1-18 of 18

Contact the County

Fulton County Courthouse
(More about Fulton County Courthouse)
815 N Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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